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Read what families are saying about Tammy

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What Students Are Saying

Thank you, Mrs. Yoo, for always teaching me in a clear way so I can learn.

S.A., 4th grader

Mrs. Yoo taught me how to read and write. She makes me feel proud.

E.W., 2nd grader

Mrs. Yoo is so kind, fun, and really caring about me. I don't want my time with her to end.

P.L., 1st grader

My favorite things to do with Ms. Tammy are playing word games and sounding out words using Play-Doh. She understands me.

E.M., 2nd grader

What Parents Are Saying

My son has dyslexia and has struggled with reading and writing for quite some time. I have seen remarkable growth in his reading and writing skills since he started seeing Ms. Tammy. She is a highly skilled and experienced tutor who understands how to work with dyslexic students. She is patient, kind, and encouraging. She often goes the extra mile to help my son succeed. I am so grateful for Ms. Tammy's help. If you're looking for a qualified and experienced dyslexia tutor, she is the one for you. 

Shelley, parent of an 8 year old learner

I am absolutely thrilled with my daughter's progress in reading since she has begun tutoring with Tammy. At the beginning of third grade, my daughter was significantly behind in reading and her confidence was extremely low. The more my daughter saw her peers improve, the more she felt let she would never catch up. After working with Tammy for just six months, I saw a complete transformation in my daughter's attitude towards reading. She now loves reading and discusses the books with her friends. Her teacher has also been very impressed with her progress. Tammy's work with my child has not just been limited to the sessions she attends. Tammy has corresponded with my child's teacher, provides me with status reports, and tailors lesson plans based on my daughter's needs. I would highly recommend Tammy to any parent who is looking for a top-notch reading tutor.

Laura, parent of a 9 year old learner

My son enjoys his time with Mrs. Yoo. He was a struggling reader who received services at school but his reading was not getting better. A friend referred us to Mrs. Yoo and after working with her for a year his reading has noticeably improved. He never complains about going to tutoring, which makes my life so much easier. She is also responsive and a great person to have in my child's life.

Sophia, parent of a 7 year old learner

Tammy, you are a miracle worker. Thanks to you my child is a reader, like really a reader! We appreciate your hard work and the amount of patience you have shown my anxious child.

H.W., parent of an 8 year old learner

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